Thursday, March 24, 2011

Nop one know about persian cats

Two brother and sister have had a goal to spread the news about a country that prohibited culture, and was also were long once abandon by force. If it tense to rebuild and reunite again, you pay a price that not even your life were worth it. But it doesn't mean that peoples were fear of the rule. This is the first time that i know of citizen breaking a law, not only 1 group but majorly, still the process done behind shadow of an eye of tower. Social, spiritual, emotional and others physical expresses were all things they have to worry of, they fight to live another day, and hop for the best prepare for the worst. The two of them wanted to form a band for the concert in London, but there's two thing that stock them from going, the band, and the permission of travel around the ( passport and visa ). Along the way not only those two were the main issues, also finance. Because of the money currency weren't fair, it became a bell of alarm for them. Both of them were trying to form a band by all others singer in the country by telling them what there goal was, but most of them wanted to stay for the sake of there country and there own band.

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